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Listening for God

Every year I think to myself what will I do different this year? I am sure that at some time in your life you have thought the same thing. As for me, I don't really do a New Years Resolution because I know that I will never keep them. I believe that we must make a life style change instead. This is what I truly want to do; have more quite time with God, spend more time with my family and friends, spend less time dreaming about what I want to do and just do it, and spend less time just mindless roaming through social media.

I have been thinking that I need to start every day just being quite. I mean no phone, no radio or television and so on. I think that I that it would be most beneficial if I just spent the first part of my day listening to what God is saying to me. Focus on him and worship him. You know real quite time, just me and God. Then I should open up the bible and get into God's love letter and see what he is going to teach me.

I truly want to know more about Gods love for me. I know that he loves me and has forgiven me but I want to spend time with him. I don't know about you, but I can get side tracked and forget for a moment what is really important. I may have the best of intentions yet I get caught up in everyday life happenings at work and home. I know that my relationship with God is the one suffering. I must take time to cultivate my relationship with him and those that I love. When I stop and focus I can see God in my husband, children, family and friends. He placed each one in my life for a special reason and I need to spend more time on those relationships. It is like this: I have a garden spot in my yard and I used to have a beautiful garden but as years have passed I have stopped planting the seeds and tending to the garden and now I don't yield a crop. As a matter of fact, if you came to my home, you would never know where my garden spot is. That is the same way it is with our relationship with God, family and friends. If we don't tend to them we soon will not be able recognize what we once had. This year I really want to stop, listen and learn. I want to bask in the love God has for me and enjoy those priceless gifts he has given me. I want to grow my relationship with God, family and friends. I want to cultivate a bountiful crop of love and hope. I want to follow after Jesus and listen and learn from him. I want to take the time to make this year a year to remember how precious life, laughter and love really are. I don't want to get caught up in the mundane of day to day and let another year pass by and realize that I have missed the mark. I want to live life to the fullest because my hope is in the Lord!

In Psalm25:4-5 (NIV) it says “Show me your ways,Lord,teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

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